BLOG: Articles, Videos, & Podcasts

Episode 34: Announcement – We are Shapeshifting with Life’s Ebb and Flow

Episode 34: Announcement – We are Shapeshifting with Life’s Ebb and Flow

Erica announces that Genevieve will be on a sabbatical that could be temporary or permanent, depending on how life shapes and shifts. Erica will be introducing a new solo story telling segment called “When the Mountain Speaks, the River Cries”. Stay tuned for the new segment. Thanks for being along for the ride with us!
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Episode 30: Hanging on to Hope

Episode 30: Hanging on to Hope

In this episode, Erica and Genevieve discuss the intensity of these times and how important it is to follow the inner urge to explore, play, be curious, and to grab ahold and hang on to hope when it flies near us.

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Episode 29: Endings and Beginnings

Episode 29: Endings and Beginnings

In this episode, Erica and Genevieve tell the story of their new name, Ancient Soul Modern Mind. They also talk about how to pivot when life asks us to, how to respect the chapter that is closing, and how change is inevitable in our lives. Resources Mentioned Our Nine...

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Healing from Judgment

Healing from Judgment

We all judge. It’s an extremely useful tool for sorting out if we are safe, under threat, or going to be abandoned. The problem is that judgments from childhood, left unchecked, can negatively impact us in adulthood.

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