Ancient Soul, Modern Mind Podcast
Episode 35: Trailer for new Solo Segment – When the Mountain Speaks, the River Cries
Erica introduces a new solo storytelling segment called When the Mountain Speaks, the River Cries. In this new solo segment, Erica creates and shares stories from her personal life and co-creates stories with the help of the Otherworld. Join her as she embarks on a new journey of using her voice as medicine.
Episode 34: Announcement – We are Shapeshifting with Life’s Ebb and Flow
Erica announces that Genevieve will be on a sabbatical that could be temporary or permanent, depending on how life shapes and shifts. Erica will be introducing a new solo story telling segment called “When the Mountain Speaks, the River Cries”. Stay tuned for the new segment. Thanks for being along for the ride with us!
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Episode 33: Earth Medicine— Trusting What You Can’t See
In this episode, Erica and Genevieve discuss the practice of what Genevieve calls “being resourced”— trusting that what you need will arrive when you need it. (And how often it feels like it’s at the last minute after and after you’ve been forced to surrender.)
Episode 32: Beyond Defenses— Getting to the Roots of Our Feelings
In this episode, Erica and Genevieve discuss the practice of moving beyond self protection and defensiveness into feeling what we need to feel in any given moment.
Episode 31: Healing the Inability to Receive
In this episode, Erica and Genevieve discuss the difficulty that so many of us experience receiving and how that is mirrored in our bodies when we won’t receive nourishment, support, or even love.
Episode 30: Hanging on to Hope
In this episode, Erica and Genevieve discuss the intensity of these times and how important it is to follow the inner urge to explore, play, be curious, and to grab ahold and hang on to hope when it flies near us.
Episode 29: Endings and Beginnings
In this episode, Erica and Genevieve tell the story of their new name, Ancient Soul Modern Mind. They also talk about how to pivot when life asks us to, how to respect the chapter that is closing, and how change is inevitable in our lives. Resources Mentioned Our Nine...
Episode 28: Walking Your Path with Militancy
This episode is packed with beauty, wisdom, and experience. And, bonus, they share steps to take to listen to your body and strengthen your intuition!
Episode 27: Living Life as an Initiation
In this episode, Erica and Genevieve discuss the transformative process of initiation and what happens when we look at our lives through the lens of initiatory experiences.
Episode 26: Coming into Your Medicine, Purpose, and Gifts
We all carry medicine and gifts to be delivered and our number one job here is to deliver those gifts because no one can do what we came here to do. And all of life on Earth depends on every living thing being aligned with the reason it is here.