Erica Thibodeaux, MS, LPCC

I believe everyone has the ability to heal.

I work with the elements of nature to reveal the source of the discomfort, disharmony, dis-ease, and disconnection that is often the cause of pain, suffering, and trauma within a person, family, or ancestral lineage.

Inside the rich and wild realm of nature, we rediscover who we really are. In nature where the influences of others are stripped away, we can sense ourselves again. We can listen to the wisdom of our own knowing. What is revealed leads us toward healing.

I use creative and empowering methods to evoke client-centered transformations that provide individuals, couples, and families with tools to take away with and use over their lifetime. Some of the methods I use are: group and community ritual facilitation, somatic and body-centered therapy, Focusing, spiritual re-wilding, earth and nature-based therapy, and Indigenous African technologies. Ritual is at the core of all that I offer.

In addition to my clinical counseling experience, I’ve spent 29 years learning from community and nature-based Elders.

I specialize in intersectional mental health, ecology, and nature-based technologies.

Join in on these Offerings:

2024 Monthly Community Healing Rituals at Kinstone

Join us for this monthly community healing ritual led by Erica Thibodeaux, MS, LPCC, occurring on the second Saturday of each month May through October from 3pm to 6pm.


Individual, Couples, and Family Therapy

I use creative, empowering methods to evoke client-centered transformation that provide individuals, couples, and families with tools to take away with and use over their lifetime. (For MN residents only.)


River Sessions

During River Sessions, clients are able to begin or further nurture a personal relationship with this incredible life force flowing through this landscape. 


Ancient Soul, Modern Mind Podcast

Ancient Soul, Modern Mind is a place to share stories that return us to our nature instincts, awaken our spirit, and restore body, mind, and soul.  May these stories return you to your ancestors, to the land, to the sacred fire, water, and minerals that we all come from. 


Podcasts & Articles

Episode 45: In the Dark with the Dead

Episode 45: In the Dark with the Dead

In this new and returning episode after an unexpected year-long sabbatical, Erica talks about inspiring books that have woven their way into her life and encouraged the practice of listening in the still darkness to the dead who support us.

Episode 44: The Great Transformation toward an Ancient Future with Ra Ma

Episode 44: The Great Transformation toward an Ancient Future with Ra Ma

In this episode, Erica interviews Ra Ma, creator of EarthSeed Temple Arts. Erica and Ra Ma discuss Ra Ma’s experiences in the Great Pyramid, pilgrimages to sacred places on the Earth, and Ra Ma’s unique way of weaving star (astrology) and stone (Earth and bone) wisdom into her many sacred offerings. This is an episode of medicinal story telling you don’t want to miss!

Invaluable tools to support my life.

Working with Erica has been one of the most life-changing experiences. She has introduced me to concepts and traditions I might not have ever come across otherwise and has provided me with invaluable tools to support my life. Erica has consistently supported me in my growth as a human being and regularly expands my ideas of what is possible.

~ Sydney S.

Held and supported throughout the process

Your nurturing spirit. It allows me and everyone in the group to be held and supported throughout this process. It’s valued, needed, and embraced. Don’t ever question your healing powers. I’m a living witness.

~ Ces

Knowledgeable AND down to earth

I came to Erica during a time in my life when I was dealing with severe anxiety and what I later discovered was OCD.

She guided me on the path to healing through a variety of practices including ancestral healing, women’s circles, meditation, ritual, and ‘feet on the ground’ work that enabled me to further seek out the specialized and intensive treatment that I needed. Erica holds space beautifully, creating a safe place to be vulnerable and show up as you are. With many years of professional and personal experience, Erica is both knowledgeable and down to earth in her humanness and medicine laughter. She effortlessly weaves together various approaches to healing and well-being, drawing from the deep well of ancestral knowledge, holistic earth medicine, and the tools of western medicine.

I am forever grateful that she shared and continues to share her gifts with the world.

~ Kathy

I have healed so much…

Erica has been the most incredible guide and space holder throughout my journey of unraveling, and putting myself back together. She has very unique and ancient medicine, and that comes through in every session, and even in daily encounters. The Medicine Erica’s lineage possesses is deeply rooted in this earth plane but ranges across galaxies. I have healed so much of my wounded inner-child with her assistance, as well as connected back to my true nature and through that my ancestral medicine has surfaced. I highly, highly recommend working with Erica if you are up for radical self-transformation.

~ G. Folk

You will not be disappointed.

My favorite part of Erica is that she doesn’t claim to be a wise teacher or sage, but rather she is so familiar with the processes that she teaches that her main focus is making a safe, non-judgmental space for all, a place where powerful learning can occur.

Her work is an invitation back into life, her views are largely non-western and grounded in ancient tribal, eastern philosophy and African medicine. If you attend one of her classes you will likely have doubt, you will probably be shaken out of your comfort zone and not understand why, but I can promise you one thing: if you give Erica even a kernel of your faith, you will not be disappointed.

You may even discover your own brave spirit again. The one that infinitely awaits, smiling, with joy, love, forgiveness and compassion, hoping for a glimpse of your return.

~ Jenna L.