Ancient Soul, Modern Mind Podcast
Episode 25: Assisting Spirits to the Otherside
In this episode, Erica and Genevieve discuss the sacred practice of assisting Spirits to the Otherside. They share their personal experiences with the diverse and complex topic. They also discuss how learning the language of the body and of sensation assists in the...
Episode 24: Honoring Dagara Elder, Malidoma Somé
In this episode, Erica and Genevieve honor the transition of their dear Elder, Malidoma Patrice Somé. It’s difficult to describe in words what this loss has meant to countless people around the globe. It is with gratitude in our hearts that we offer this episode of honoring.
Episode 23: Codependency and the Holidays (Solo w Erica)
In this episode, Erica offers three tips to navigating the holidays (and all seasons) when we are in the process of healing codependency.
Episode 22: The Stories We Tell Ourselves
In this episode, Erica and Genevieve discuss the stories we tell ourselves. Where do they come from? Do they serve us? What to do when they don’t.
Episode 21: The Death of a Relationship with Someone Still Living
In this episode, Erica and Genevieve discuss the painful process of allowing relationships to die and the possibilities that emerge in the dying process.
Episode 20: Ancestral Wisdom – Connect with Your Ancestors
In this episode, Erica and Genevieve revisit the most important topic of all – how and why we connect, honor, and receive wisdom from our Ancestors.
Episode 19 – Lose Your Mind to Find Your Senses
In this episode, Erica and Genevieve delve into the wonderful world of sensation, intuition, and knowing. They discuss how finding your senses often requires us to compassionately move into a realm that some would call “crazy” so that we might hear the wisdom coming up from our depths. May we all begin to listen to this wisdom now!
Episode 18: Restoring Our Lost Hidden Child Parts
In this episode, Erica and Genevieve discuss the process of discovering, healing, and returning lost, hidden, and missing younger parts of ourselves.
Episode 17: Integrating as a Sensitive Person
In this episode, Erica and Genevieve discuss the process of integrating back into community after healing. They discuss the need for isolation and why we can’t get stuck there.
Episode 16: Healing the Mother Wound
In this solo episode, host Erica shares about everyone’s birth rite relationship to the Earth and how our connection to Earth is deep medicine for healing the mother wound.